Disinfectants / COVID-19


Combat XIX Tuberculocidal Spray Disinfectant


Navy Medically Approved Replacement For Cavi-Wipes!

– Approved for and listed on the NAVSUP WSS COVID-19
product list
– Approved on EPA ‘N’ list. EPA # 1839-83-50371
– Approved for all surface ship classes

Review: “How To Use” Instruction Sheet Below!

Product Features

NSN 6840-01-703-1133

Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner Germicidal Detergent (Gallon Concentrate)

Product Features

NSN# 7930-01-521-6601

NSN# 7930-01-521-6605 (On literature)

EPA #47371-131-50371

instruction Sheets

Crush 19

Ready-To-Use Disinfectant Cleaner. CRUSH 19 is the best defense against COVID-19 and many other viruses and bacteria that live on the hard surfaces around you! CRUSH 19 kills coronavirus in 60 seconds!

Item #CRX19

EPA Approved against COVID-19

Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner Germicidal Detergent (Pouches)

Product Features

NSN #6840-01-624-9190

Neutral Disinfectant Quaternary Based Germicidal Cleaner (Cartridges)

Product Features

NSN# 6840-01-624-9194

NSN# 6840-­01-­624-­9199

NSN# 6840-01-624-1801

NSN# 8125-01-629-6885

General Purpose Non-Acid Washroom Cleaner (for GP Washroom)

An excellent cleaner and disinfectant for use on stainless and other non-porous surfaces. Excellent cleaner for medical treatment spaces, and surgical utensils – removing blood, faster and less messy than betadine, bleach, etc. It is effective for berthings, bathrooms, gyms, floors, countertops, sinks, toilets, urinals, showers, hatch knobs, phones, water fountains, and ship operational departments. NO MESS OR STAINING PROBLEMS, PLEASANT FRAGRANCE. Apply on surfaces with a trigger sprayer.

NAVSEA APPROVED for Surface Ships and Submarines
AMAL Approved for Medical Departments

NSN# 6840-01-476-3957

NSN# 7930-01-521-4194

NSN# 7930-01-521-4195

NSN# 7930-01-521-4197

instruction Sheets

Coast Crème Cleanser

“Mild Abrasive for Tough Cleaning Jobs”

Coast Crème Cleanser is recommended for cleaning tough-to-remove soils and stains in showers, restrooms, kitchens, and other areas in schools, manufacturing plants, hotels, motels, hospitals, nursing homes, and institutional settings. Excellent for removing stubborn spots, build-ups, scuffs, grease, rubber marks, mildew stains, hard water deposits, and soap scum.

CONTROL OF ODOR: Cleans and deodorizes bathroom, restroom fixtures, glazed porcelain, ceramic tile, and fiberglass.

NSN# 7930-NP-888-7199

Food Service Sanitizer II (Concentrate)

Recommended for the sanitization of food contact surfaces, processing equipment, and other surfaces in food processing locations without a potable water rinse.

The “twin chain” quaternary ammonium compound technology is a radically versatile disinfectant, sanitizer, virucide, and deodorant.

NAVSEA Shipboard Approved!

NSN #7930-01-521-4189

Food Service Sanitizer (Cartridges)

Suitable for food contact surfaces and food processing equipment that do not need a rinse with potable water. Based on a twin chain quaternary compound to provide maximum efficiency. Food Service Sanitizer is a proven, effective virucide, fungicide, and hard surface disinfectant at various dilution ratios. Formulated without fragrance, making it acceptable for use in meat and poultry plants.

Product Features

NSN# 6840-01-624-1806

NSN# 6840-01-624-1804

NSN# 6840-­01-­624-­1820

NSN# 8125-01-629-6882

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